We are all looking for signs. The world is full of distractions that are designed to lead us in the wrong direction. According to Proverbs Chapter 3, mindful instructions embodied in wisdom will sustain a long and successful life. Don't ever stop being honest and kind toward others. Let the power of kindness and honesty shine from you. With the technology and resources that we have today, write these precepts down. Respect will find you among a higher power first and then those around you will see your wisdom. Trust in your Faith with all of your heart, despite your own understanding. In your journey here on earth acknowledge the wisdom you have through a faithful Presence Who is above all earthly knowledge.
Sometimes we all try to depend on our own knowledge, but how much do really know? Seek to understand the ways of wisdom. Refuse to do the wrong thing. There is no easy way out of doing the wrong thing over and over-again.
Invest in what is right to lead others in the right direction. It's hard to humble ourselves. We are a culture that is used to doing things our way. With such concerns as the COVID-19, there is not doubt that humbling times have fallen upon us. Giving attention to our faith, prosperity will follow. In times of trials it's easy to become angry with God, however humility, and correction is love. Just as faithful parents correct the children they love, not to control them for their will, yet to guide them onto a path that is purposeful and right.
Honorable is the person who embraces wisdom. I find it uplifting whenever pieces of a puzzle is put together in way that makes sense, rather than a frustrating time of searching for answers. Wisdom is more precious than jewels or gold. Nothing that we will ever desire will be worth more than wisdom. Peace, longevity, honor, prosperity, is the result behind the beauty of wisdom. With such knowledge this world was built and through corrupt understanding it has been broken. However things can be fixed with the knowledge that wisdom holds. Understanding flows like a pure endless river when you have wisdom on your side. Don't let the beauty of understanding out of your sight. Like a fine necklace around your neck her beauty will shine. Safety- a life free from corruption and pain is its reward. Your sleep will be peaceful at night, fear will not follow you. Dishonest ways will not trap you. People who look to do harm against those who want to do the right thing in life, become angry when you choose peace over them. Let it be evident that you are on the side of peace and not corruption. Do good if your neighbor needs help, we are not just here for ourselves.
In a world that glorifies violence, jealousy and backstabbing behavior , stand for what is right. It may seem as if people who do the wrong thing is profiting and getting away with dishonesty, however the power behind the truth will reign. It is impossible to please a Father of love, prosperity, and wisdom, with lies, and hate.
Blessed is the home of a person that does what is right verses the home of a person that does the wrong thing.
You can't laugh at the truth, not for long. We should respect The Father of Truth, because He is our life line.
Strive to be honest, free from a life of disgrace.
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