Mother And Daughter In Law Getting Along? It's All About Loyalty

 You Can Actually Get Along With Your Mother In Law!

The Story Of Ruth

     Since the beginning of time history has wrote of the struggle between mother and daughter-in-laws. Often made into comedy aspects the interest in such conflict must take place in families of all backgrounds and cultures. The stage in which men cleave to their wives leaves a void of jealousy in the hearts of many mothers. A movie that portrays this scenario in a humorous light, is the movie Monster - in- law. 

Jenifer Lopez plays the woman that wins the heart of man who is loved by his controlling mother, played by Jane Fonda.

Films Capture This Ongoing Strife

 Monster In Law 


 There was a time on one occasion a woman 

named Ruth beat all the odds. Ruth cared dearly for her mother-in-law, so much so that when her husband died and her sons, she chose to stay with Naomi. The beautiful mother and daughter bond that the two had, must have spoken to God's heart. This is definitely the dream that every daughter-in -law would want. To have the blessing of their mother-in-law. Ruth had Naomi's Blessing which lead to her becoming an important part in the generation of the Messiah to come. 

One of the shortest books in the Bible, The Book of Ruth shares how this came to be. 

The Bible Project The Story of Ruth

                                                                           Ruth & Naomi

Dedicated To My Grandmother Ruth.

Grandma Ruth cared about passing on the knowledge of the Bible to her kids

and grandchildren. I appreciate that. And  I Thank God for her Direction, prayers, and blessings. 

At the end of the day Grandma Ruth planted the seed, just as he asked. 

Matthew 6:26, NIV: Look at the birds of the sky; they live day by day.

 Birds are stress free. The birds know that Something Greater Cares For Them. 

To the Entity that is greater, you are more important. Humans are valuable to This Entity. Carry yourself like you know this. Without fear or worry.   

Series By Emunah La-Paz 

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