Let There Be Light!


    Let There Be Light 

Emunah La-Paz Genesis
Emunah La-Paz Model Metaverse


       Let's Keep It Personal!

                                                  In he Beginning Of The Bible Is Called Genesis 

     The Bible may seem to be outdated due to the translation written in the King James Version or due to old traditions in different translations, throughout the world. However in life I have found great similarities in many of the stories involving a persons feelings and actions because of negative feelings. 

     One of the most dangerous emotions which I discovered in the book of Genesis is Jealousy or envy. This passionate feeling that evokes toxicity to the point of death, can be found after God produced the world and made man. 


                                                                And God Made Man 

Emunah La-Paz Meta Model Verse 
I probably shouldn't have eaten that

     Due to Adam's loneliness God created a mate for him to reproduce and create a prosperous immortal generation. By creating Eve, form Adam's womb which birthed the identity of woman.  (Please feel free to conduct further knowledge on this chapter as we look for all perspectives.)  Sadly this relationship between God and man ( Which includes Eve) Was destroyed by Eve who was tempted by the devil  disguised as a snake to eat from the tree that God asked them not to partake in.  Due to the devil's envy of God that started prior to man, and carried on to date. 

     Eve went on and enticed her husband Adam to eat of the fruit. When God discovered what they had done, a curse was extended onto Adam's and Eve's generation which included the end of immortality and the beginning of death.  ,n Eve's defense who would not want to be like God? The only problem is, we do not have the capability to be him nor the inner patience or humility to take his place.   

                                                      Cain Kills Abel Genesis 4 

Photo by Derg'o Souzo

                                               The First Murder Known to Mankind 

     Genesis is covered in jealousy as the history moves onto to Adam and Eve's s sons Cain & Abel. Due to Cain's jealousy of approval granted to Abel, by God, Cain killed his brother. Fleeing form his location Cain's sin left him with a mark in which no man could touch him. 


                                                                   Noah's Ark


A very good movie to watch is Noah. As the director, 
to great measures to create an exact replica of the Ark. 

NOAH: Paramount Pictures

     Noah's Ark  Genesis 5:29 Noah was instructed to build an Ark by God. As God had spoke of  a day of destruction to take place in which the earth would flood. The exact details of the Ark can be found in a movie that went into the exact detail of the Ark. God later instructed Noah to send out specific birds to seek out dry land. It had rained for 40 days and 40 nights. God sent the sign through a rainbow a promise to never flood the earth. Genesis 9:13  As time moved on the Ark finally settled on dry land. Noah spent his time harvesting a wine vineyard. In which an incident occurs involving one of his sons. 

Next we have the Tower of Babel Chapter 11


Information Tower of Babel

                          Knowing That God Never Underestimates The Power of his most beloved creations. He knows

with teamwork mankind can do anything. Yet without God's Plan, Mankind can do nothing. 

Abraham Genesis: 12 

                                                                   Abraham's Relationship With God 

                                                                The Story Of Isaac 

                                                          God's Relationship With Issac

                                                              Esu & Jacob

                                           Twin The Drama Between Esu & Jacob Genesis 25 

                        This story binds the twelve tribes of Israel. Jacob's twelve sons would become the ancestors of the the twelve Tribes of Israel because of Jacob's name change. 

Joseph's Story

Joseph's dad was Jacob/Israel. Joseph was known as the interpreter of

dreams. His journey started by the envious behavior of his brothers.

Joseph's beautiful coat given to him by his dad was a taunting reminder

that he was loved the most. The hatred that his brothers had for Joseph, resulted in them

selling their brother into slavery. Joseph overcame his obstacles and became one of the most valued and respected man among kings and his brothers. 


Emunah La-Paz Podcast


Checkout Emunah's Children's Book! 
The Beary Different Magnificent Bear Vol 1 of the K.C. Series

Books By Author Emunah La-Paz 

A tale of love and betrayal that plays out in the
 realm of Social Media. Everyone has their own POV.  

Stop By The Emunah La-Paz Podcast 

                                                    Emunah La-Paz Model Meta Verse 

The Emunah La-Paz Podcast 




and More!


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