The Pain Of The Wayward Child (King David's Son) How Can We Help Our Grown Cope With Addiction
King Solomon Son Absalom
Perhaps one of the most painful experience in life, is to watch a child go down the wrong path. I have seen a strange thing. I've seen kids grow up in poverty rise up above all obstacles and sit with kings, Queens, and influential leaders. And I have seen something I will never understand, A child born into a powerful family, with all the riches and resources in the world, only to end up down and out, addicted to immoral behavior.
Absalom (2 Samuel 13:13-37-1512
The ways of a child is explainable a mystery in itself some kids turn out great and others struggle. Some parents lose their kids once they are involved in drugs or an immoral addiction to life which can be traced back to a generational bind. .
Absalom was bold in the worse of ways. Arrogant and thuggish in a bullying manner. Absalom was devious and a jealous soul. Envious of his Dad David and younger brother Solomon, that would later go on to claim the thrown. And even though Absalom, was a disgraceful son, when he died due to his hair caught in a tree from their beheaded, David mourned.
David's son Hung by a tree terebinth tree and later shot
through the heart 3 times with arrows. Absalom continued to
breathe, yet struck by men to death.
Knowing that we have a child that is wayward is one of the scariest conception. Everyday you wonder when their life will end. You may be an admirable family and there are haughty eyes which look forward to seeing your struggle. Everyone loves to see self-destruction especially from those they secretly envy or hate due to their own issues and pain in life.
Rather we lose a child to drugs or foolish character, the hope dies that they could have been so special and inspiring to the world. However- what the parent sees is their hopes and dreams for a child that does not have the same interest in life.
Even though it hurts moving on is a vital point in life.
Your wayward child is not a reflection of who you are. Every child has their own bent, the way they desire to see life. Some kids will turn out to be remarkable responsible young adults, while other children have the desire to be on the wrong side of what is right, addicted to destruction.
The child has to want help. No one can do that for them, not even their parents. Pray for that child and move on, as hard as it may be.
In the end what happens, is the plan according to their choices in life not yours. You did your part. You planted the seed.
Give it to God and move on. 💕
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